The Domino Effect

Domino is a small, flat rectangular block of wood, stone or plastic, usually twice as long as it is wide. It features a line down the middle to divide it visually into two ends, with a value of one or more dots (also known as spots or pips) on each end, or none at all (blank).

Each domino is a unit of action in the game of dominoes, in which players lay down domino pieces in sequence, trying to build a line that ends up with the largest number of pips. Each piece has a value that is determined by the number of pips on either side, which also determines its rank or weight. A domino with more pips is said to be heavier than one with fewer pips.

A player must play a domino when it is their turn, unless they are not allowed to by the rules of the game being played. If a player cannot play a domino they hold, they must put it aside in a “boneyard” until their turn again. As a domino falls, some of its potential energy converts into kinetic energy, providing the push needed to knock over all the other dominoes in the line. This process continues until the last domino falls.

While domino is most often used to play a game, it can be applied to other aspects of life. For example, in a business setting, it can be helpful to think of each task or task chain as a domino. This allows you to plan ahead and prevents your progress from being derailed by unexpected events.

Whether you are a panster who writes a novel without making an outline or a plotter who uses Scrivener, the question of what happens next is at the heart of your story. The idea behind the domino effect is that if you write a scene that does not fit with the other scenes already written, it will likely not add much to the overall story.

In 1968, Domino’s began franchising its pizza locations. Their strategy was to place Domino’s pizzerias near colleges because they believed that college students would be the ideal target audience for their fast and affordable pizza. By focusing on this segment of the market, Domino’s quickly gained success and expanded throughout the United States. The company has since become a global corporation that includes both corporate and franchisee owned stores. They also have a user-friendly online ordering platform that can be accessed through their website or an app on mobile devices. This technology has enabled customers to order and monitor the status of their pizza at any time, from anywhere. This flexibility in their online delivery options has been a key to the company’s continuing growth. In addition, the use of digital technology allows customers to place orders via twitter or texting an emoji. This convenience and accessibility has increased customer loyalty. As a result, Domino’s is one of the most popular pizza brands worldwide.